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Inspecting and Using a Work Positioning Lanyard

Introduction to the Work Positioning Lanyard

The work positioning lanyard is an essential piece of fall arrest equipment. Although different manufacturers produce various types, their fundamental purpose remains the same. Proper inspection before use is crucial to ensure safety and compliance with regulations.

Inspection Checklist

1. Locate and Verify Serial Numbers

Begin by locating the serial number on the lanyard. For this equipment, the serial number is imprinted on the metal adjuster. Additionally, check for lifespan details, EN numbers, and CE markings, which are typically printed on the plastic and may be less visible.

2. Inspect the Hook

The lanyard includes a hook similar to a scaffold hook. To ensure its proper function, depress the back to open the front and verify it operates correctly. Confirm that the hook will not open unintentionally without pressing the back. Check for any signs of damage, rust, or corrosion.

3. Examine the Rope

Moving down the rope, conduct a thorough inspection. Although this is a standard rope, not a low-stretch kernmantle rope, it still requires careful examination. Ensure the rope is in good condition and check the rope protector for any signs of wear. A visual inspection should reveal any potential weaknesses that could compromise safety.

4. Assess the Rope Slide

The sliding component on the rope should lock in one direction while allowing movement in the other. Test this mechanism by pulling in one direction and verifying it locks off as expected. To slide the opposite way, depress the trigger. Inspect this component for any signs of damage or malfunction.

5. Check the Carabiner

The carabiner used here is a screw-gate type. Unscrew the gate to open the carabiner and ensure it screws closed properly to prevent accidental opening. Look for a well-rounded screw-gate and avoid any deformation that could affect its locking capability. Make sure the carabiner is in good condition overall.

Final Steps

Once you have completed the inspection and are satisfied with the condition of the lanyard, attach it to your harness. This ensures you are fully equipped and ready to work safely at height.