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Inspection and Use of Fall Arrest Y-Lanyards

Introduction to Fall Arrest Y-Lanyards

In this guide, we'll focus on fall arrest Y-lanyards, named for their distinctive Y-shape. These lanyards are crucial for safety when working at height. Before using any fall arrest equipment, a thorough pre-use inspection is essential.

Pre-Use Inspection of Y-Lanyards

To ensure the Y-lanyard is safe for use, follow these steps for a detailed inspection:

1. Check the Identification Label

Start by examining the identification label</> on the lanyard. This label provides key information, including:

  • Serial Number: Ensure it is legible for tracking and inspection purposes.
  • Manufacturer’s Date: For example, 05-09-13, indicating the production date and lifespan.
  • Identification Code: For instance, RGL81, identifying it as a Y-lanyard.
  • Length and EN Number: Information on the lanyard's length and the relevant EN standard, such as EN 355.

2. Inspect the Carabiner

The Y-lanyard features a captivated carabiner with a pin that prevents detachment. Check the following:

  • Locking Mechanism: Ensure the carabiner is a triple lock, requiring three actions to open. Test its functionality to ensure it springs back correctly.
  • Condition: Inspect the carabiner for any visible damage or wear.

3. Examine the Energy Absorber

The energy absorber is designed to minimise the impact of a fall and prevent severe injury. Check for:

  • Activation: Ensure the absorber has not been previously activated or deployed.
  • Casing: Look for any damage, such as splits or cuts.

4. Inspect the Rope

The lanyard's rope should be carefully examined for any damage. Key checks include:

  • Rope Material: The rope is typically low stretch kernmantle, which is very strong. Ensure the plastic captivation is intact and the heat-sealed stitching is undamaged.
  • Visual and Physical Checks: Look for lumps, visual damage, or any kinks. Perform a roll test to check for internal damage.

5. Check the Scaff Hook and Additional Components

The lanyard includes a scaff hook for attaching to scaffolding:

  • Operation: Ensure the hook requires two actions to open and that it fully encloses when closed.
  • Protective Features: Inspect the additional ring and protector on the rope to ensure they are intact and functioning properly.


After completing these checks, you should be confident that the Y-lanyard is safe to use for working at height. Proper inspection and maintenance are crucial for ensuring the equipment performs reliably and protects you effectively.