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Using a Work Positioning Belt and Inertia Reel for Fall Arrest

Climbing the Ladder

To begin, climb the ladder using your lanyards. Depending on your position at the top of the ladder, you may need to use a work positioning belt to achieve a hands-free position and complete your tasks. In some scenarios, a platform may be available for you to stand on, but in this guide, we will use the work positioning belt.

Setup and Safety Procedures

1. Ensure Proper Lanyard Placement

As you climb, ensure your lanyards are placed high up to minimise the fall factor. Always maintain one lanyard attached before unfastening the other. Continue this process until you reach the highest point required.

2. Position the Work Positioning Belt

Once at the top, disconnect from one side of your lanyards and wrap the work positioning belt around the ladder rungs, connecting it on the opposite side. Pull a small amount of slack in the rope to bring yourself closer to your work area.

3. Secure the Inertia Reel

Open your bag and attach the sling as high as possible. Ensure it is tightly wrapped around the rung of the ladder. Connect the inertia reel to the sling. Adjust the carabiner so that the screw gate is facing downward to prevent accidental opening due to gravity.

4. Manage the Inertia Reel

Feed a length of string through the carabiner of the inertia reel and lower it to a reachable height. You now have two options: descend using your lanyards or attach to the inertia reel for a hands-free descent. Always ensure your lanyards remain connected until the inertia reel is fully secured. Once attached, you can safely stow your lanyards.

5. Handling the Inertia Reel

While using the inertia reel, you will have a work positioning belt on. To remove it, add some slack and disconnect from one side before connecting to the opposite side. This allows you to move freely while maintaining safety.

6. Rope Management

A piece of rope is essential to manage the inertia reel. It helps control the reel’s retraction speed and prevents it from causing potential injury if it recoils quickly. Use the rope to pull the inertia reel back down if needed and ensure it is properly stowed when not in use.

Final Safety Tips

Whenever possible, secure all equipment to prevent dropping objects while working at height. Attach tools and materials to yourself or your harness until they are safely positioned. This practice ensures a safer working environment and minimises the risk of falling objects.