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Attaching and Stowing a Work Positioning Lanyard

Attaching the Work Positioning Lanyard

Once the pre-use inspection of your work positioning lanyard is complete, the next step is to attach it to your harness. This process is straightforward and involves the following steps:

1. Secure the Carabiner

Begin by ensuring the carabiner is ready for attachment. To do this:

  • Unscrew the gate of the carabiner to open it.
  • Attach the carabiner to one of the side working D-links on your harness.
  • Screw the gate back up to ensure it is securely fastened and will not come undone.

2. Stowing the Lanyard

The other end of the lanyard, which will be used frequently while working at height, can be stowed in one of two ways:

  • Attach to the Same Side: Secure the lanyard back to the same side on your harness. Adjust the rope to minimise trip hazards.
  • Cross Over the Shoulders: Alternatively, loosen the lanyard, drape it over your shoulder, and attach it to the opposite side of the harness. This can also be done by attaching it to the other side to keep it out of the way.


By following these steps, you ensure that your work positioning lanyard is securely attached and stowed, reducing any potential hazards while working at height.