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Inspecting and Using Inertia Reels for Fall Arrest

Introduction to Inertia Reels

An inertia reel serves as a crucial fall arrest device. Before using any safety equipment, including inertia reels, a thorough pre-use inspection is essential. This ensures the equipment is in good working order and safe to use.

Pre-Use Inspection of Inertia Reels

Follow these steps to inspect an inertia reel:

1. Check the Identification Information

Begin by locating the serial number on the equipment. This number is typically found at the bottom of the rectangular section of the reel. The serial number helps trace the equipment's inspection records. Above the serial number, you will find the date of manufacture and the CE marking, indicating that the reel complies with UK industry standards.

2. Inspect the Overall Condition

Examine the general condition of the inertia reel. Ensure there are no visible signs of damage that could compromise its performance. Check for any issues that might affect safety, such as cracks or wear.

3. Review the Usage Diagram

Many inertia reels feature a diagram outlining proper usage. This can be a helpful reminder of how to operate the reel correctly.

Detailed Inspection Steps

To conduct a thorough inspection:

1. Examine the Carabiner

The carabiner is the attachment point for the inertia reel. Inspect it for any damage, rust, or corrosion. Ensure the screwgate carabiner functions properly, locking securely when screwed. Verify that the carabiner is in good condition and free from defects.

2. Check the Attachment Points

Inspect the attachment points of the reel to ensure they are free from damage. This is crucial for maintaining safety in the event of a fall.

3. Test the Inertia Mechanism

Turn the inertia reel upside down to test its functionality. Like a car seatbelt, the inertia reel allows freedom of movement during climbing but locks immediately in the event of a fall. Ensure the reel locks off quickly and effectively.

4. Extend and Inspect the Webbing

Pull out the webbing fully to check for any damage. Inspect the entire length of the webbing for signs of wear or defects. Make sure the webbing is in good condition and able to function correctly during a fall.


Regular inspection of inertia reels is vital for ensuring safety when working at height. By following these steps, you can help ensure that your fall arrest equipment remains reliable and effective.