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Real-Time Climbing Technique and Safety Tips

Introduction to Climbing Safely

In this demonstration, we will cover the basics of a straightforward climb in real time. The focus will be on managing your fall factors and using lanyards correctly to ensure safety throughout the climbing process.

Step-by-Step Climbing Procedure

1. Positioning Your Lanyards

Start by positioning your lanyards as high as possible without overstretching or overreaching. This will help maintain safety and reduce fall factors during your climb.

2. Climbing Technique

As you begin climbing:

  • Consider removing one lanyard temporarily to reach up higher, using alternate hands for balance.
  • Ensure that your lanyards remain no lower than chest height to maintain a secure climbing position.
  • Always keep at least one lanyard as high as possible.

3. Reaching Your Destination

When you reach your desired point:

  • Secure both lanyards at the current height to ensure stability.
  • Verify that the lanyards do not drop below this point during your climb.

4. Descending Safely

To descend, simply reverse the climbing process:

  • Ensure that every movement keeps your lanyards above the previously secured point.
  • Maintain a steady and controlled descent to avoid sudden shifts in position.


By following these steps, you can ensure a safe and efficient climb, with proper management of your fall factors and effective use of lanyards. Always prioritise safety and maintain correct lanyard positioning throughout the climb.