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Inspecting a Portable Ladder: Step-by-Step Guide

1. Check the Labels

Inspect the labels on the ladder for important information:

  • Main Label: Look for the class and duty rating (e.g., Class 1 industrial, duty rating 130 kg).
  • Safety Label: Ensure it provides guidance on safe use; this is crucial for proper usage.

2. Visual Inspection

Perform a thorough visual inspection of the ladder:

  • Sides: Check for wear, tear, dents, or indentations along the sides (strings).
  • Feet: Inspect the rubber feet to ensure they are intact and secure.
  • Steps (Rungs): Physically twist each rung to check for stability and integrity.

3. Final Checks

Ensure overall integrity and safety:

  • Confirm there are no damages, creases, or cuts that could compromise ladder integrity.

4. Record and Seal

Record the inspection details and seal number:

  • Documentation: Log the inspection findings and seal number for reference.
  • Communication: Share the inspection results with users to ensure safe and proper use.

Following these steps ensures the portable ladder is safe for use according to its design and standards.