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Essential Safety Precautions for Working at Height

Protecting the Public

When working at height, safeguarding the general public is paramount. Implement the following measures to ensure their safety:

  • Erect Super Barriers: Install barriers to prevent access to the work area.
  • Display Warning Signs: Ensure that clear warning signs are visible at all times.
  • Avoid Floating Materials: Do not lower materials from height; always handle materials carefully.
  • Avoid Walking Near Edges: Stay away from the edges of roofs and walkways to prevent accidental falls.
  • Inspect Equipment: Never use defective equipment and avoid stacking loose materials near edges.

Dealing with Fragile Roofs

Working on fragile roofs presents significant risks. To mitigate these risks:

  • Identify Fragile Materials: Be aware of materials that may be fragile, including:
    • Asbestos cement sheets
    • Plastic sheeting
    • Corrugated steel sheeting
    • Glass and wire-reinforced glass
    • Wood wall slabs
    • Strawboard slabs (particularly if water-damaged)
    • Chipboard
  • Examine Roof Components: Check for skylights, roof lights, or covered glass.
  • Use Appropriate Tools: Employ crawling boards or roof ladders to distribute weight.
  • Avoid Stepping on Fragile Areas: Never step onto areas of fragile roofing material.


By following these safety precautions, you can ensure a safer working environment when performing tasks at height. Always remain vigilant and take necessary measures to protect both yourself and the public.