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Emergency Rescue Planning for Working at Height

The Importance of Emergency Planning

Effective planning for emergencies is crucial, especially when working at height. Various types of equipment are available that, with appropriate training, can aid in rescuing individuals who are injured and need immediate removal from their elevated position.

Emergency Rescue Equipment

There are several pieces of equipment designed to facilitate quick and safe rescue operations. These include:

1. Rescue Systems

Equipments like tray pickers and other elevating devices often come with built-in emergency features. For instance, in the event of a malfunction, there may be:

  • A button to stop the engine and initiate a safe descent.
  • A manual handle for pumping the boom down if automatic systems fail.

2. Emergency Descent Procedures

In the event that automatic systems do not work, manual descent methods must be employed. Understanding how to operate these systems is essential for ensuring a safe and effective rescue.

Creating an Emergency Rescue Plan

It is imperative to develop a comprehensive emergency rescue plan for anyone working at height. This plan should include:

  • Details of the equipment available for rescue.
  • Instructions for using both automatic and manual descent systems.
  • Clear procedures for contacting emergency services if required.


Proper planning and preparation for emergencies when working at height can significantly improve safety and efficiency. Ensure that all workers are trained on emergency procedures and that a clear rescue plan is in place.